
Meet Katrina!
The most important project you will ever work on is your SELF!
Hey You!! When you consider words like "shame," or "fear," what do they bring up for you? Is it some aspect of yourself you'd rather not think about? Well, congratulations, because you just found your next level of elevation.
Shining light on the parts of ourselves that we have hidden so far away can be difficult. I've come to find in this life, some of our greatest lessons will come from looking at the same parts of ourselves we hide away.
Helping others through education, motivation, support and service is what I have been chosen to do. Whether it is a calling, a gift or a soft spot in my heart, I cannot refute it. I've helped myself and many others embrace this "Love of Self" concept as a journey of growth.
Choose your service

Yoni Steam
A yoni steam gently and effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes your womb, providing you with wide ranging benefits for reproductive health — from reduced menstrual cramps, to increased fertility, to heightened pleasure during intimacy.

Ionic Foot Detox
We use the IonCleanse® to help detox the body from harmful toxins and heavy metals. It’s a spa-like experience, where you soak your feet in an ionic foot bath. We end with a herbal foot to help release tension and moisturize feet.

Energy Healing
Everything is made up of energy. Feeling off but don't know why? Maybe you need to be balanced. By bringing all your chakras into balance, you can release blocked energy that leaves you feeling stagnant and stuck in old toxic behavioral patterns in one crystal session.

Upcoming Workshops
You're great by nature.
Let me help you be amazing
by design.
Contact Us
270 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Suite 205
Opening Hours
Mon-Tuesday Closed
10:00 am – 9:00 pm
10:00 am – 9:00 pm
12:00 am – 6:00 pm